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FDA-Approved Nevro Senza Spinal Cord Stimulation System Now Offered at Our Offices

Weill Cornell Pain Medicine has recently adopted a new therapy for treating various types of chronic pain. The HF10 Therapy, delivered by the Senza Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) system, is a product of the Nevro Corporation of Menlo Park, California. Weill Cornell became the first New York City and Tri-State Area medical center to use this therapy when Neel Mehta, M.D., Director of Pain Medicine and Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, and Michael Kaplitt, M.D., Ph.D., Assoicate Professor of Neurological Surgery, did their first procedure in . The adoption of Senza system builds on Weill Cornell Pain Medicine’s existing experience with spinal cord stimulation treatments for the relief of chronic pain. These therapies, and all the treatments we offer, are part of our multidisciplinary approach to pain management, and give our pain medicine physicians another important tool in designing individualized treatment and pain management programs for each of our patients.

Nevro’s Senza SCS system and HF10 Therapy was approved by the US FDA in May 2015. FDA approval came after five years of the treatment being widely adopted by physicians in Europe and Australia, as well as a multi-center, randomized trial centered at Wake Forest University. The U.S. trial was the largest randomized SCS study conducted to assess a treatment for chronic back and leg pain.

SCS systems work by applying small electrical impulses to the spinal cord to alleviate pain. The Senza SCS system uses these impulses to alleviate chronic back pain, neck pain, as well as pain the extremities. Patients who think that spinal cord stimulation might be appropriate for them should consult with a physician. Here at Weill Cornell Pain Medicine, our pain medicine physicians are part of a multidisciplinary team of specialists at the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. We are happy to answer questions about SCS, the Senza SCS system, or any of the diverse set of treatment options we have to offer to help patients manage chronic pain.

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