Interventional Spine Injections
New York City’s Interventional Spine Injections
Back pain is a common health issue in the United States, estimated to affect up to 80% of individuals at some point in their lives. An estimated 12 to 15% of visits to health-care providers annually in the United States are related to back pain. Many patients are able to better manage their back pain through non-surgical treatments such as spinal injections.

Benefits of Interventional Spinal Injections
Interventional spinal injections can help manage chronic back pain by temporarily alleviating the pain so patients can participate in physical therapy and rehabilitation aimed at improving strength and body mechanics to provide more long-term relief. Patients who may benefit from minimally invasive injection treatments are those who don’t have advanced spinal conditions or aren’t good candidates for surgery due to age or medical issues. Patients who can’t tolerate oral pain medications in the dosages necessary to control their symptoms may also find relief through spinal injections.
Who Can Benefit?
Most patients who benefit from image-guided injections for back pain are those who have had symptoms for at least 6 weeks and aren’t responding to physical therapy, heat therapy, massage therapy, or anti-inflammatory or antispasmodic medications. Patients who are unable to fully participate in physical therapy and rehabilitation due to limitations posed by pain can also be considered for injection treatment. These injections are performed under outpatient care at our Center, do not require sedation and are done under local anesthesia.
Recovery is generally rapid and effects are usually immediate, with the majority of patients experiencing partial or complete pain relief within minutes. As the immediate effects of the local anesthetic subside, the anti-inflammatory action of any added corticosteroid begins to take effect, and patients may receive up to 3 to 6 months of sustained relief.
We’ve Got Your Back
For more information about our treatment options, contact our office today.